Take Me With You

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18” x 24” oil on Canvas

“Take Me With You” is a narrative piece of what my childhood was and what I wish it could’ve been more of. As a young girl, I looked up to both of my parents in ways I didn’t even understand. I have memories of being in awe of the things my mom could make, bake, and create out of nothing. And my dad- he was intelligent, diligent, calculated, and seemingly an expert on all that he did. For some years of my life I was brought along on hunting and fishing trips, hikes, and explorative ventures, but like in most areas of life when you get busy and kids are easily distracted, efficiency and excitement is low on such outings. The reality is, 15 years later I still hold on to the times I was brought with- where the goal was not in what we accomplished but the time spent together and the life lessons learned along the way. A sweet reminder of the value in being invited, to be brought with, and the longing to accompany the people we look up to in the things they do.

Thank you to my dad for all the times he did bring me along and the patience he had when my goals were to pick up rocks and wonder at the world, not to hunt or fish.

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